Review of PJC 1 Material
Pre-class study was to read and listen to the Arambha lessons.
2023 Jan 15: PJC Vishwanath Introduction Class
This is the 2023 first live class meeting. After Guruvandana and praising Lord Vishnu, Freedom and Eric discussed administrative details, the website, schedule, facebook and zoom. Eric discussed the arambha section on making charts and the use of Class ended with a deep dive into the Vishnu Purana and why we read this with BPHS.
2023 Jan 22: Opening Lecture with Paramguruji
(1) Moon is the lamp of pradosha (sunset-night). (2) Sun is the lamp of prabhata (sunrise-morning). (3) truth-righteousness-religion is the lamp of all the three worlds and (4) the son is the lmp of the kula (family/lineage). You are a lamp of this kula, this jyotisha lineage.
For those who have never made a lamp with oil and need more explanation of how to put oil on the wick and oil in the lamp:
Sṛṣṭi: Creation
2023 Jan 22 & 29:
Students read and listen to the Sṛṣṭi Chapter lessons.
Maitreya asks to learn the fundamentals of reality (how we came to be) and how the celestial bodies influence the realm of living beings. We study the fundamental principles of creation made of guṇas and tattvas to understand what we are and how we interact with divinity. It is therefore important to getting deeper insight into the essence referenced in the ancient terminology.
[0:00] Introduction of the creation story [3:57] BPHS and Viṣṇu Purāṇa comparison [7:40] Step by step process and narration of creation , reference to Varāhamihira’s background [10:09] Story of creation, discussion between Parāśara and Maitreya (Verse/Śloka 1) [15:27] Verse 2 and a quick explanation of Horā, Gaṇita, and Saṃhitā [20:58] Verse 3 [23:02] Verse 4 relationship between heavenly bodies and living beings, reference to Ahirbudhnya Saṃhitā [29:28] Verse 5 and 6 Parāśara answers Maitreya, Parāśara speaks about the eyes of the vedas [38:52] Verse 7 & 8 [39:23] Specific to homework question, 4H, 9H and 2H significance, explanation about Āstika and Nāstika [50:26] Verse 9 Parāśara talks about God (Viṣṇu), from and formless aspect of Viṣṇu [53:13] Verse 10 – one quarter of Viṣṇu created the universe playfully, reference to Puruṣa Sūkta of Ṛgveda [59:23] Verse 11 about the 3/4th part amṛta [1:06:02] Verse 12a about Vāsudeva (divinity incarnate), two theories of avyakta and vyakta , description of guṇa-pariṇāma, where does the soul comes from [1:17:14] Homework related on creation as per our paramparā [1:18:34] Verse 12b &13a, Śrī śakti and Kriyā śakti, Bhū śakti, Nīla śakti [1:24:34] Nīla śakti [1:27:20] Will-to-be [1:29:41] Verse 14b,15 and 16a, concept of Saṅkarṣaṇa, Pradyumna and Aniruddha [1:32:15] Vyūhas [1:33:24] State of the perceiver [1:36:19] Supporting manifestation [1:38:02] First level of creation Saṅkarṣaṇa [1:39:23] Ātmā [1:40:50] Sense of I, guṇa-pariṇāma [1:42:10] Saṅkarṣaṇa (individual soul), Pradyumna (present mind) and Aniruddha (sense of I) [1:45:22] Saṅkarṣaṇa [1:47:07] Pradyumna [1:49:19] Aniruddha [1:50:57] Verse 18 and 19 [1:52:12] Sattva–ahaṅkāra – devas; Rajas ahaṅkāra – sense organs; Tamas–ahaṅkāra – pañca-bhūta [1:52:36] Homework discussion [1:53:11] Ahaṅkāra table [1:55:47] General discussion – Lakṣmī tantra, understanding mantras
“Most scholars misinterpret the word ‘Deva’ as meaning ‘God’. In reality, there are 33 Deva’s with about 330 million forms. The word is derived from the root Divu that has ten meanings. 1) Krida – sporting, 2) Vijigisha – conquest, 3) Vyavahar – occupation/pursuit, 4) Dyuti – intellectual inspiration or brilliancy, 5) Stuti – praise, 6) Moda – pleasure, 7) Mada – exhilaration, intoxication, 8) Swapna – dream, 9) Kanti – splendor, 10) Gati – direction, movement. These words define the purpose of a Deva. Thus Deva or Devata is the Guru and guides or illuminates certain inherent abilities that will develop in this life or the spiritual path or that which leads to fulfillment of desires etc. Nirukta defines Deva as that which (a) confers benefits (Danada) (b) illumines (Deepanad) or (c) is the source of such knowledge or illumination (Dyutanad). Thus, translating deva as God is conceptually incorrect. The natural question is- if Deva’s are not Gods, then who or what are the Deva’s and in what manner are they linked to Jyotish? ”
[0:00] 2nd part of creation Bhagavad-Gītā XIII.34 [4:31] Review of last week – verses 12b and 13a [6:07] Quantum physics & reference of time [10:10] Review of verse 13b and 14a [11:48] Review verse 15 and 16a [12:39] Verse 17 creator I-maker form [13:16] Nārāyaṇa & Creation [14:53] Garbhodakaśāyī Viṣṇu verse 18 [17:20] Ahaṅkāra and schizophrenia [20:31] Verse 19 sattva, rajas, and tamas Ahaṅkāra [23:01] Explanation of the I-sense details [40:43:] Vaikārika discussion [47:08] Difference between amṛta and avyakta [48:33] Lakshmi Tantra [50:02] Journey of consciousness into matter by Vasant Lad [52:57] Homework discussion [56:31] Verse 20 [1:00:02] Level 2 of creation – all pervasive lord + Śrī śakti = Viṣṇu, all pervasive lord + Bhū śakti = Brahmā , all pervasive lord + Nīla śakti = Śiva [1:07:57] Revision of verse 19 [1:08:20] Brief discussion on 33 Devas – 8 Vasus, 11 Rudras and 12 Ādityas plus Indra and Prajāpati [1:23:40] Reference to Kālasarpa yoga [1:25:12] First grouping of eight Vasus (Aṣṭa prakṛti of Bhagavad-Gītā) [1:28:10] Ekadaśa Rudra controlling and holding the prāṇa [1:29:35] Dvādaśa Āditya [1:35:13] The changing diurnal circles of the Sun [1:37:58] Winter solstice Sun dial [1:42:34] Direction of the Sun/lunar motions as earth moves around the Sun [1:48:36] Indra and Prajāpati (Lagna) [1:52:42] Time and space [1:56:01] Summary and PJC-1 objectives- planets, houses and signs
Avatāra: Incarnations
2023 Feb 5 & 12:
Students read and listen to the Avatāra lessons.
rāmakṛṣṇādayo ye hyavatārā ramāpateḥ . te’pi jīvāṁśasaṁyuktāḥ kiṁvā brūhi muniśvara .. 1..
rāmaḥ kṛṣṇaśca bho vipra nṛsiṁhaḥ sūkarastathā . ete pūrṇāvatārāśca hyanye jīvāṁśakānvitāḥ .. 2..
avatārāṇyanekāni hyajasya paramātmanaḥ . jīvānāṁ karmaphalado graharūpī janārdanaḥ .. 3..
[1:00] Opening prayer to BPHS – Gaṇeśa Dhyānam [4:42] Nārāyaṇa Dhyānam [10:20] Sṛṣṭi -Brahmavidyā [13:52] Different schools of thought [27:00] Parāśara’s concept of creation – saguṇa/nirguṇa [30:00] Nārāyaṇa expansion review [40:50] Kālapūruṣa – micro/macrocosm in jyotiṣa and application to practice [52:44] Student question on charts/kālapūruṣa [55:35] Jīvātman/paramātma according to BPHS (Sṛṣṭi Chapter Slokas 23 & 24) [1:13:32] Questions on Avatāra, paramātma, and jīvātman
[0:00] Question about incarnation of saints – talk of pramāṇa/sources of knowing [6:22] Sanskrit sandhi in translations [7:55] BPHS -Avatāra Kathana Adhyāya opening shlokas- explanation of Sanskrit meters & variation of translation [13:43] śloka 3 & 4 -explanation of Avatāra incarnation and connection to Bhagavad Gīta/ nature of karma [24:50] Importance of karma & inevitability of Suffering [29:15] The nature of different types of karma [39:52] Questions – altering karma/ closing
[0:00] Opening Prayers [2:50] Thiruvanathapuram and Nārāyaṇa Dhyānam [7:23] Vedic Viṣṇu Suktam & Sanskrit teachings [13:20] Ṛgveda Deities & Viṣṇu (Suktam Continued) [19:26] Kṛṣṇa Vandanam [20:15] Begin Review of Sanjay’s Karma Lecture – 3 Categories of Karma [22:05] Karma Overview [24:25] 3 divisions of karma and application to Jyotiṣa chart [28:40] Roots of Karma – Body/Mind/Soul [37:12] Modes of Karma Creation [38:32] Good vs. Bad Karma Checklist [39:27] Karma Equation – Sukha/Duḥkha [45:30] Karma Vipāka – Buddhist Teachings on how karma manifests [52:16] Question on Natural Disasters [55:50] Descent of Avatāra and Karma
[0:00] Going through Sanjayji’s Slides on Avatāra [0:40] Paramparā Mantra Derivation and Rāma / Deity Worship [9:50] Paramparā Mantra details and practice [14:37] Pūrṇa Avatāra List in BPHS and application to Kendra [23:00] Reflections on Nature of Avatāra list/connection to other traditions [25:13] Reasons for Viṣṇu incarnations & reference to other texts [28:48] Introduction to sequential manifestation of Avatāra w/ reference to evolution [30:50] Matsya Avatār/pralaya [32:00] Jaya & Vijaya story/Varāha and Kūrma Avatār [35:46] Nṛsiṃha & transition to human form & connections to Jaya-Vijaya + RāmaKṛṣṇa & Lakṣmī [38:55] Question on Jaya & Vijaya Curse [41:40] Evolution of Avatāra continued [43:00] Politics of Buddha Avatāra [48:30] Kalki [49:30] Mantra for Avatāra [53:10] Importance of Rāma & Kṛṣṇa’s birth chart [56:15] BPHS Śloka 9-13 [58:12] Raurava – Naraka/hell realms [1:02:00} Concluding opening of course and how to move forward with this information [1:08:20] Question on Sanskrit and how to ask questions for the course moving forward
Graha: Planets
2023 Feb 22
Students read and familiarize themselves with the mantras at Ganarāja Sādhanā
Sādhanā Initiation Pūjā for Ganarāja Sādhanā
This next video is to be watched after 40 days of Ganaraja Sadhana
[00:00] Welcome/Introduction to Pooja and significance of homa [02:28] Handover to Arjun for Pooja/Homa initiation [04:15] Opening mantras [25:50] Homa begins [01:17:09] Pūrṇāhuti (last offering) [01:25:00] Finishing of Homa (Havan) [01:26:00] Keynotes on pooja/sadhna [01:33:09] Why Gaṇarāja sādhanā (why specifically Ganesha)2023 Feb 26
Class correlating to 302 Navagraha lessons on Graha Guna Svarupa Adhyaya v.1-8
[0:00] Introduction to Graha Guṇa Svarūpa Adhyāya [2:45] 1st verse & explanation of how palm leaf manuscripts function [7:50] Graha definition – Verse 2&3 [10:13] Verse 4 – Clarification of using planetary names [12:40] Udaya Lagna basics [16:30] Verse 7 – Nakṣatra knowledge as commonplace in BPHS [19:30] Verse 8-Usage of astronomy/calculations versus direct divination [23:45] Historical clarification of astronomical calculations and cultural interactions [31:20]Graha holding body-mind-soul in bondage [33:40} Nakṣatra movement clarifications [35:00] Historical calculations and languages clarified [38:55] Picture of planetary movement [41:53] Nothing is stationary – galactic center (Brahmā/Viṣṇu Nābhi) [44:28] 8 motions of the planets [45:00] Clarification of PJC as beginners course [48:35] Movement of planets related to Ceṣṭā Bala [54:00] Gocara – average motion of the planets [1:01:40] Specific mathematical percentages related to motions of the planets definition [1:04:16] Hindu vs. Greek astronomy – elliptical nature of planetary movement calculations and how it affects planetary speed [1:09:00] Application of ellipses (perigee/apogee) to Moon and tithi calculations,chart implications, planting recommendations,etc. [1:15:53] Relationship of planets perceived retrogression based on earth’s orbital speed around the Sun [1:19:30] Application of retrogression chart to BPHS speed designations [1:22:00} Picture examples and each planets arc distance from Sun for retrogression. [1:32:00] Question on speed/retrogression [1:32:45] Astrological interpretation of planetary speeds [1:39:00] Chart examples of stationary planets – Sanjayji / Donald Trump / Extremist Leader / Steve Jobs/ Hilary Clinton/ Amy Winehouse [1:46:28] Back to BPHS 4th verse on movement of planets and understanding Guruji [1:48:14] Udaya Lagna: yoga-viyoga [1:51:30] Saṃyoga definitions [1:53:00] Nakṣatra saṃyoga and opinion of planets [1:55:47] Freedom’s chart as an example of saṃyoga sphuṭa calculation using his maha paṇḍita yoga / clarification of yoga-viyoga [2:01:40] Chart example of bhaviṣya yoga & clarification of atīta [2:05:14] Dīptāṁśa / orb of planets [2:10:31] Basic graha yuddha definition [2:13:45] Course information, HW assignment [2:20:13] Various questions answered
2023 Mar 5
correlating to Navagraha 04 and Navagraha 05
Vedic Swara [02:42] Ganesha Mantra [03:25] Vishnu Gayatri [04:02] Brihaspati Gayatri [04:48] Definition of Gayatri [05:54] Link between chhandas and jyotish [07:19] Jyotish is both science and art [09:57] Navagraha Shanti Shloka [13:23] Review of what has been taught so far [20:24] East Indian Chart & Bha Chakra [21:41] Comparison of different styles of chart [22:09] Bha Chakra Cntd.. [23:24] Eric Guruji`s style of teaching [25:17] Quotes from Amarkosha- Different names for Bha [26:38] Lagna [34:12] Lagna Kendra [38:15] Kendra & Postures [41:21] Shiva & Vishnu postures with Bijas connected to different Kendras [41:47] When deity is shown in human life form then only it can be linked to kendras [42:25] Bijas in different kendras [43:30] Add bija to your mantra activate the shiva/ Vishnu in one of these Kendra [43:44] Difference between `Ra’ and `La’ bijas [44:45] Answered Question on Male & Female Sign [46:05] Question on Natraja [47:09] Question on contradiction between Krim and Klim mantras [48:54] Sandhi Resolution [50:27] Planetary names and order [50:46] Use Ravi for Sun instead of Surya [52:25] Homework Assignment- Compile List of Different Planetary Names [54:05] Vaara Chakra & 7 pointed Star [56:47] Krura, saumya , paap, shubha Grahas Introduction [59:07] Planets are active beings and signs are inanimate [01:00:02] Importance of knowing how & when to apply which type of significations [01:00:47] Grahas, Rasis and Nakshatra Difference [01:02:42] Krura, saumya , paap, shubha Grahas Introduction Continued[01:03:37] BPHS Shloka on Krura and saumya graha [01:04:39] Sun is Krura but not Paap [01:05:04] Ksinindu- Dim Chandra [01:07:46] Krsna Paksa & Shukla Paksa
as Paap and Punya[01:08:34] Bright Moon and Dull Moon [01:09:04] Pay Attention to the Panchanga regularly and notice its effects [01:10:09] Krura, saumya , paap, shubha Grahas Continued [01:10:49] Mercury as Krura and Saumya [01:11:42] These Principles are Universal [01:12:15] Question on kshina and purna Chandra [01:13:41] Question on Yukti [01:14:52] Horns of Moon [01:15:05] Can saumya planet be negative [01:16:45] Four types of gunas uttama, madhyama, adhama, udasin [01:19:15] Term Karaka [01:27:02] Karakatva- BPHS Shloka [01:27:45] Gist of Shloka [01:36:40] Social Roles of Graha [01:44:03] Occupations related to Grahas [01:45:34] Complexion Significations of Grahas [01:49:43] Looks and stature [01:52:04] Colours connected to Grahas [01:52:31] General Table for Gemstones [01:52:49] Graha Devata [01:55:44] Gender connected to Grahas [01:58:39] Five Elements connected to Grahas [01:59:39] Varna connected to Grahas [02:02:46] Guna connected to Grahas [02:04:12] Homework List [02:09:03] Answered Question on Varna and Jati [02:11:43] Answered question on Texts on Devata [02:12:40] Some talk on Sanskrit [02:13:52]
2023 Mar 12 & 26
[0:00] Opening mantras [3:19] Introduction to Graha descriptions: BPHS 3.23-30 [3:34] Why it is important to cultivate a direct relationship with planets (Grahas) [9:58] Introduction to the Kālacakra to invoke and meditate on the planets [11:14] Examples of simple ways to invoke and connect to planetary energies [12:41] Explanation of the Kālacakra, how to map, invoke and pacify planets according to cardinal and intermediate directions and the eight directional deities connected to each [18:21] Two main ways vāyu/vāta can age the body and cause disease [24:30] Sūrya (Sun), śloka (verse) & significations [28:49] Simplified examples of deha prakṛti (body nature): śloka about pitta prakṛti [32:18] Sūrya ādityā mantra for strength & abundance [35:11] Candra (Moon), śloka & significations (including vāta and kapha prakṛti description) [40:26] Maṇgala (Mars), śloka, significations & mantra [46:54] Budha (Mercury) śloka, significations & mantra [54:57] Guru (Jupiter), śloka & significations [57:21] Śukra (Venus), śloka, significations & mantra [1:00:39] Śani (Saturn),śloka, significations & mantra [1:02:18] Rāhu & Ketu, śloka & significations [1:05:08] Summary of dhīmān Grahas (planets with intelligence) [1:05:43] Other Graha significations: BPHS 3.31, planets governing bodily dhātus (tissues) [1:18:00] Locations lorded by Grahas: BPHS 3.32 [1:22:39] Samaya (time periods) ruled by Grahas: BPHS 3.33 [1:29:15] Using Samaya to plan your life [1:34:00] Sapta rasa (taste associated with Grahas + information from the perspective of Āyurveda) [1:49:57] Answering questions about taste
Opening talk [02:24] Opening Mantra [04:56] Bala: Strengths [06:28] Audio Check [07:42] Bala Continued… [09:15] Dig Chakra-Directional Strength [16:48] Direction from Different Lagnas [19:16] Samanya and Vishesha Manifestation of directional deities [20:53] Digpala Shaktis [22:21] Digapala weapons [22:54] Vahana (Vehicle) of Diagpalas [23:15] Shiv Tandav Stotram [25:38] Shloka for directional strength [27:34] Drik Bhava [28:34] When do planets have energy of Digpala [29:33] Bija for Physical Directions [30:14] Rene Char- Example Chart [32:30] Abraham Lincoln [34:30] Digbala from different lagnas [36:39] Zero Digbala of Venus in Rene Char`s Chart [38:15] Graha Conjunct Digbala Planets are thriving with that digbala Shakti [38:46] More Significations [40:27] Diva- Ratri Bala (Day- Night Strength) [46:14] Difference between Sri Rama and Bharat’s Chart in context of Diva-Ratri Bala [52:22] Paksa & Ayana Bala [55:00] Samaya Bala [01:02:44] Naisargika Bala [01:11:51] Dharma [01:12:15] Question on Margashira Purnima [01:13:12] Question on Diva-Ratri Bala and Paksha Bala [01:13:55] Tree Significations [01:23:49] Caste [01:27:02] Anthills [01:28:26] Sage Valmiki [01:31:20]Ketu/Rahu/ Saturn dominating Life Path [01:32:21] Ketu/ Rahu/ Saturn: Final Resort [01:32:36] Valmiki: Shelter [01:35:04] Clothes and Gems connected with Rahu/ Ketu [01:36:15] Clothes expresses planet`s energy [01:38:58] Clothes and Gems connected with Rahu/ Ketu Continued [01:39:46] Clothes colour connected to different planets [01:42:44] How to use this information while giving remedy [01:50:39] Colors for Pancha Devata [01:51:28] Manifested World [01:51:53] Planets connected to different Ritu (Seasons)[01:54:26] Different Vedangas connected with different seasons and planets [01:56:30] Dhatu-Mula-Jiva [01:59:46] Nama Tattva [02:01:49] Dhatu [02:04:29] Mula [02:05:01] Jiva [02:07:55] An advise by guruji [02:11:36] Morarji Desai`s Chart [02:18:02] Spiritual Tone of Dhatu-Mula-Jiva [02:18:46] Course Information and How to proceed [02:23:28] Parashara mantra discussion and then Introduction to the Rashi Svarupa Chapter
Graha Sādhanam: Chapter 5
[0:00] Meaning of Sādhanam [4:32] Pancāṅga foundation/intro [5:17] miśramānakāla [9:13] yātakāla [11:39] Old Pancāṅga [16:03] rekhādeśa & laṅkadeśa [22:48] Modern Pancāṅga [24:32] Example of Kāśi Viśvanātha pancāṅga [26:05] Walkthrough of pancāṅga [31 : 54] chandraspasta /lagnaspasta [32:14] Iṣṭakāla [33:08] ghaṭikā and vighaṭikās [39:06] Clock time vs arc time [39:50] bhagaṇa [42:15] Relationship between celestial time and terrestrial time (most important topic of lecture) [44:28] Significance of number 21,600 as breaths in a day [46 : 14] Clock time expressed in ghaṭika and vighaṭikās + conversion to arc time. [49:50] Yāta kāla signification/use, AiṣyaKāla [55:05] Paṅktikāla – a. Subtraction – yāta b. Addition – Aiṣya [57:40] Time ration example (what % of the day has passed at Iṣṭakāla) [1:00:00] Ration examples in terms of ghaṭika and vighaṭikās [1:03:00] Grahabhukti + Cālana Phala [1:04:00] Kharasa [1:08:55] Śloka 4 intro [1:10:10] Derivation of Cālana Phala (formulas) [1:13:16] Different Pancāṅga systems comparison (using an example) [1:18:06] Mean motion of planets (madhyama ghati) [1:19:53] Spastaghati [ true motion of planets ] + 3 step calculation walkthrough [1:36:00] Accuracy of calculations [1:42:58] Lunar mansion/lunar zodiac [1:44:40] Nakṣatra Māsa/sidereal month [1:45:38] Bhayāta and Bhabhoga [1:53:38] Chandra Spaṣṭa Gati ( high level ) [2:01:12] Lagna sādhanam – Calculation of lagna and Udaya Ascendant w/ relationship to 4 sandhyas [2:06:45] Celestial sphere diagram + definition of Udaya lagna [2:08:10] Daśama lagna or celestial sphere [Asta Lagna on diagram [2:12:20] Turīya Lagna [2:15:37] Horizon & Meridian clarified w/ respect to individual [2:25:20] Ecliptic & celestial equinoxes clarified [2:36:40] Importance of Equinox [2:39:44]Declination – North/south coordinates & tropical zodiac [2:45:25] Maximum declination [2:49:15] Kranti throughout the year [2:52:30] Equinoctial Shadow – Palabhā (step1 for being an astrologer and calculating lagna) [2:58:00] How to make a sundial w/ reference to Sūrya Siddhānta [3:05:42] Right ascension and affect on local chart calculations [3:10:45] Ascensional Difference – Carakhaṇḍa [3:15:00] Oblique Ascension [3:17:40] Uttarāyaṇa & Dakṣiṇāyana clarifications [3:20:00] Rising values of signs at the equator (suggested to memorize this) and calculating for other locales [3:26:10] Astronomical reason for gaṇḍānta points and shifting sizes of signs [3:31:30] Ayanāṃśa [3:35:24] Lagna sādhanam – step by step instructions with example [3:45:20] 3 types of charts used in Jyotisha – Rāśi, Bhāva, & Bhāva Calita Cakra [4:00:15] Freedom closing class
Rāśi: Vedic Signs
[00:00] Parāśara Horā Śāstra Mantra introduction [05:06] Revisit 1st verse of Bṛhat Parāśara Horā Śāstra [BPHS] and significance on how to approach teacher/Guru [07:11] Guru Mantra – Parāśara Mantra [12:54] Introduction to rāśi-svarūpa-adhyāyaḥ [13:23] Verse 1: concept of ahorātra and horā śastra [20:35] Verse 2 : Kālapuruṣa [time personified] [28:09] Chapter 11, Verse 22 of Śrīmad Bhagavad Gītā [Viśvarūpā adhyāyaḥ] [32:34] Kālapuruṣa Mantra & significance [42:15] Names of signs (Rāśi names) [43:18] Kālapuruṣa Limbs mapping to Rāśi (+ additional verses will do in detail in next class)Parashara mantra practice audio for 40 days, Vaushat mantra for after 40 days, both can be downloaded for later use.
[02:00] Horā derivation, names of Rāśi [15:40] Rāśi mapping to body parts [19:20] Saturn in 4H and Cancer Rāśi [21:20] Characteristics of Rāśi – mobility, gender, constitution [25:30] Male-Female distinction of Rāśi, gender chart for D7 [33:10] Rāśi complexion [49:00] Rāśi body qualities [54:50] Rāśi foots [58:30] Rāśi & tropical seasons [01:05:00] Rāśi day or night strong [01:07:30] Rāśi quality [01:08:00] Rāśi residence [01:12:30] Rāśi varṇa [01:16:30] Rāśi location & Yavana Jataka discussion [01:49:20] Rāśi guṇa [01:56:20] Rāśi rising [02:05:00] Rāśi tattva [02:06:00] Rāśi lordship & lineage [02:08:30] Dual ownership yoga [02:23:30] Rāśi flaws [02:36:30] Discussion on Nisheka Lagna, Rāśi chakra, [02:37:50] Closing remarks
Vedic Astrology is the science of study of time and space and its effect on the entire life and activities of earth which revolves the two principle luminaries viz., the Sun and the Moon. This ancient study of vedic astrology known as “Jyotish”. When transliterated, it is known as the study of Jyoti meaning light which comes naturally from the Sun.
Pada Notes: Notice the last pada nature will always match the sign goal.
Fire signs will always have 4+4+1.
Earth signs will always have 3+4+2.
Air signs will always have 2+4+3.
Water signs will always have 1+4+4.
2023 Apr 16
[00:38] Introduction to Elliot Guruji [03:31] Prayer begins [06:00] Creation of Signs (Every nakṣatra has 4 padas) [11:48] Definition of bhā-chakra (bhā is a synonym for nakṣatra) [13:15] Deriving the rāśi from the nakṣatra [14:39] Meṣa (āśvinī 4 pada) (bharaṇī 4 pada) (kṛttikā 1 pada ) [16:11] Definition of Pada (a 25% portion or a quarter or 1/4) [17:17] Meṣa continued [18:50] Diagram of nakṣatra and rāśi [20:24] vṛṣabha (kṛttikā 3 pada) (rohiṇī 4 pada) (mṛgaśirā 2 pada) [22:20] Meṣa continued [22:52] Vṛṣabha continued [23:05] mithuna (mṛgaśirā 2 pada) (ārdrā 4 pada) (punarvasu 3 pada) [24:08] Karkaṭa (punarvasu 1 pada) (puṣyā 4 pada) (aśleṣā 4 pada) [24:25] Siṃha (gaṇḍānta between cancer and leo) (no overlap of nakṣatra, no connection) [29:04] Siṃha continued (Maghā 4 pada) (pūrvaphalgunī 4 pada) (uttarāphālgunī 1 pada) [30:09] Kanyā (uttarāphālgunī 3 pada) (Hastā 4 pada) (Citrā 2 pada) [30:39] Tulā (Citrā 2 pada) (Svāti 4 pada ) (viśākhā 3 pada) [31:05] Vṛścika (viśākhā 1 pada) (Anurādhā 4 pada) (jyeṣṭhā 4 pada) [31:41] Dhanu (gaṇḍānta between scorpio and sagittarius) (Mūla 4 pada) (pūrvāṣāḍha 4 pada) (uttarāṣāḍha 1 pada) [32:02] Makara (uttarāṣāḍha 3 pada) (śrāvaṇa 4 pada) (dhaniṣṭhā 2 pada) [32:12] Kumbha (dhaniṣṭhā 2 pada) (satabhiṣā 4 pada) (pūrvābhādrapadā 3 pada) [32:29] Mina (pūrvābhādrapadā 1 pada) (uttarābhādrapadā 4 pada) (revatī 4 pada) (gaṇḍānta between pisces and aries) [32:57] Chart of nakṣatra [37:59] Nakṣatra maṇḍala [40:35] Difference between tropical zodiac (Sāyana Cakra- according to the season) and sidereal zodiac (Nirāyaṇa Cakra- not according to the season) [41:35] Caturāyana (dharma, artha, kāma, mokṣa) [48:48] Predominant nature of the signs (āyana) [57:18] Pañcāṅga (vedic calendar) [1:01:35] Vāsara (weekday) [1:02:14] Tithi (lunar day) [1:02:28] Nakṣatra (constellation) [1:03:10] Yoga (angular distance between sun and moon) [1:04:04] Karaṇa (half tithi) [1:04:25] application of Pañcāṅga [1:07:21] meaning of muhūrta [1:09:37] Pañcāṅga and the 5 elements (solar day) [1:10:41] Lunar day [1:12:12] Nakṣatra [1:14:04] Yoga [1:15:11] Karaṇa [1:16:45] Weekday (vāsara) [1:20:02] Sunday [1:24:24] Monday [1:26:12] Tuesday [1:26:24] Wednesday [1:27:07] Thursday [1:28:18] Friday [1:29:07] Saturday [1:29:19] Tithi [1:30:25] Pakṣa (śukla pakṣa – waxing and kṛṣṇa pakṣa – waning) [1:33:13] Full and new moon [1:34:10] Tithi and deity lordship [1:36:17] Tithis in muhūrta muhūrta [1:36:43] Pratipat – Agni [1:37:20] Dvitīya – Brahmā [1:37:35] Tṛtīya – Gaurī [1:37:41] Caturthī – Gaṇeśa [1:37:54] Pañcamī – Nāgas [1:38:21] Ṣaṣṭhī – Kartikeya [1:38:29] Saptmī – Sūrya [1:38:39] Aṣṭamī – Siva [1:38:44] Navamī – Durga [1:39:09] Daśamī – Dharma/Yama [1:40:20] Ekādaśi – Viśvedevā [1:40:59] Dvādaśī – Viṣṇu [1:41:06] Trayodaśī – Kamadeva [1:41:37] Caturdaśī – Kālī/Siva [1:42:35] Amāvasyā – Pitṛ [1:43:43] Pūrṇimā – Candramā [1:45:12] Pañcāṅga element – Saturn [1:46:12] Yoga [1:47:35] Deity of Yoga [1:50:20] Viṣkambha/Viṣkumbha (inauspicious) – Yama [1:50:55] Prītī (neutral) – Viṣṇu [1:51:18] āyuṣmān (auspicious) – Soma [1:51:33] Saubhāgya (auspicious) – Brahmā [1:51:45] śobhana (auspicious) – Bṛhaspati [1:52:00] Atigaṇḍa (inauspicious) – Soma [1:52:42] Sukarmā (auspicious) – Indra [1:52:59] Dhṛti (neutral) – āpas [1:53:29] śūla (inauspicious) – Sarpa [1:53:42] Gaṇḍa (inauspicious) – Agni [1:53:58] Vṛddhi (auspicious) – Sūrya [1:55:33] Dhruva (auspicious) – Bhūmi [1:56:38] Vyāghāta (inauspicious) – Vāyu [1:57:27] Harṣaṇa (auspicious) – Bhāgya [1:57:39] Vajra (inauspicious) – Varuṇa [1:59:48] Siddhi (auspicious) – Gaṇeśa [2:00:18] Vyatipāta (extremely inauspicious) – Rudra [1:01:01] Varīyān (neutral) – Kubera [2:01:13] Parigha (inauspicious) – Viśvakarmā [2:01:30] Siva (auspicious) – Mitra [2:02:04] Siddha (very auspicious) – Kārtikeya [2:02:34] Sādhya (auspicious) – Sāvitrī [2:03:02] śubha (auspicious) – Lakṣmi [2:03:18] śukla (auspicious) – Pārvati [2:03:26] Brahmā (very auspicious) – Aśvinī Kumāra [2:05:00] Indra (very auspicious) – Pitṛ [2:05:35] Vaidhṛti (very inasupicious) – Diti [2:06:12] Pacification of birth in inasupicious yogas [2:06:51] Avoiding inasupicious yogas in muhūrta [2:07:05] Karaṇa (7 cara and 4 sthira) [2:09:15] Karaṇa Table for śukla pakṣa [2:11:27] Auspicious Karaṇa (Bava) [2:11:56] Bālava [2:12:12] Kaulava [2:12:30] Taitila [2:13:03] Gara [2:13:37] Vaṇik [2:13:55] Inauspicious Karaṇa (viṣṭi) [2:14:56] śakunī [2:16:06] catuṣpāda [2:16:56] Nāga [2:17:46] Kiṃstughna [2:18:21] Bhadrā (viṣṭi)2023 Apr 23
[00:00] General introduction of the class [09:20] Gaṇeśa Mantra [13:13] luminescence (prakāśa) in the sky [17:00] Jyotir-bimba (luminous Forms) [32:25] Introduction to Nakṣatra (Etymology) [38:50] Basis of the Nakṣatra [46:30] Astronomical snapshots of Nakṣatra [52:20] Example of the year 285 (citra tara) [58:04] Astronomical representation of East Indian Chart [1:01:07] Nakṣatra-Rāśi Map [1:02:47] 4 Pada of the Nakṣatra [1:05:14] Nava-Tārā Cakra [1:11:15] Mapping into the 9 padas of the Nakṣatra [1:18:45] Explanation of Padas [1:26:14] How to study Nakṣatra [1:29:26] Tri-Loka (bhu-loka, bhuva-loka, svarga-loka) [1:32:50] Memory Aid for Nakṣatra [1:41:07] Nakṣatra Lords- Vimshottari Scheme [1:43:33] Navtara Meaning2023 Apr 30
[0:00:00] Review priorities for learning Nakṣatras [11:45] Opening mantras [14:28] Nakṣatra Cakra Ārambha (Cycle Beginnings) [15:46] Aśvinādi Cakra: sṛṣṭi (creation) [18:05] Kṛtikādi Cakra: sthiti (preservation) [18:56] Ardrādi Cakra: saṁhāra (destruction) [21:30] Brief definition of the Nara Cakra [21:56] Vedic Soli-Lunar Māsa (months) [30:59] Sanskrit grammar tips [33:44] Tips for remembering which planet rules a Nakṣatra [35:13] Ṛtu (seasons) [37:00] Nakṣatra types (introduction and book tips) [39:20] Cara and Sthira Nakṣatra types [44:55] Mṛdru and Ugra [46:06] Difference between even and odd signs [53:21] Tīkṣna, Kṣpira and Miśra [57:42] Planets in Nakṣatras and suggested remedies [1:10:22] Nakṣatra tree worship for Saturn transits [1:17:37] Nakṣatra and disease prognosis (homework) [1:18:52] Harita Saṁhitā (healing time prognosis) [1:19:56] Thoughts on how to determine the time of illness (when first detected or when first diagnosed) [1:24:22] Harita Saṁhitā: Amṛta and Krura yogas [1:25:41] Nakṣatra in Siddha Marma Śāstram [1:30:26] Nakṣatras of the spinal column [1:36:52] Nara Cakra (Nakṣatras for parts of the body) [1:40:05] Creating a Nara Cakra for the body from your moon [1:40:36] Vanam (Nakṣatra trees) [1:44:32] Nakṣatra devata mantras [1:46:33] Latin names for Nakṣatra trees
2023 April 30
[00:00] Introduction and Guruji’s recommendation for those who have not finished Parāśara sādhanā [03:26] Recommendation on svāhā vs. vauṣaṭ ending of Parāśara mantra [04:14] Approach of working with mantra sādhanā – begin with an intense amount and then bring it down to a smaller count [04:33] Addressing student’s query on the continuation of Gaṇarāja sādhanā / Parāśara sādhanā [08:46] Next sādhanā and how to blend with other sādhanās (order of various sādhanā / mantra) [14:09] Discussion on the image of lord Nṛsiṁha and why Nṛsiṁha sādhanā in this Upgraha section [23:23] Mercury-Mars conjunction remedy [25:48] kṣauṁ vs. kṣrauṁ [26:35] Ugra Narasiṁha Dhyāna [30:00]: Bīja of this mantra and recitation method [31:12] Ugraṁ vīram mantra [31:44] Variation in bīja and mantra recitation if dealing with depression (tamas) vs. anxiety (rajas) [36:03] Sādhanā mantra – for those who will do 10 mālā [38:04] Kṣrauṁ Nrsimha mantra – for those who will do 3 mālā [38:42] Bhāgavata mantra – for those who will do 1 mālā [42:07] When to use Narasiṁhāya vs. Nṛsiṁhāya [43:49] Śrī Mantra Rāja Pada Stotra [46:44] Śānti Pāṭha [47:34] Summary of three levels of sādhanā [51:18] Best day to start the sādhanā [53:14] Mālā (rosary) for mantra recitationTo hear various audio chanting, search “ugram viram” and “ugram veeram” on youtube.
Translation of shrInarasiMhamantrarAjapadastotram
वृत्तोत्फुल्लविशालाक्षं विपक्षक्षयदीक्षितम् ।
निनादत्रस्तविश्वाण्डं विष्णुमुग्रं नमाम्यहम् ॥ १॥
I do namaskara (नमाम्यहम्) to the Vishnu, the ferocious one (उग्रं), with round (वृत्त) dilated (उत्फुल्ल) broad big eyes (विशालाक्षं), who vows for (दीक्षितम्) the eradication of (क्षय) the enemies (विपक्ष), who terrifies (त्रस्त) the whole universe (विश्वाण्डं) by his shout-sound (निनाद).1
सर्वैरवध्यतां प्राप्तं सफलौघं दितेः सुतम् ।
नखाग्रैः शकलीचक्रे यस्तं वीरं नमाम्यहम् ॥ २॥
I do namaskara (नमाम्यहम्) to the courageous one (वीरं), who made into pieces (शकलीचक्रे) with his nail-ends (नखाग्रैः), the son of Diti (दितेः सुतम्), who had attained (प्राप्तं) the unkillability boon (अवध्यतां) from everyone (सर्वैः), and was successful in everything (सफलौघं). 2
पादावष्टब्धपातालं मूर्धाऽऽविष्टत्रिविष्टपम् ।
भुजप्रविष्टाष्टदिशं महाविष्णुं नमाम्यहम् ॥ ३॥
I do namaskara (नमाम्यहम्) to the Great Vishnu (महाविष्णुं), who seized (अष्टब्ध) the netherworld (पातालं) by his feet (पाद), who occupied (आविष्ट) the heaven (त्रिविष्टपम्) by his head (मूर्धा), who made the eight (अष्ट) directions (दिशं) enter (प्रविष्ट) his shoulders (भुज) covered them all through his shoulders. 3
ज्योतींष्यर्केन्दुनक्षत्रज्वलनादीन्यनुक्रमात् ।
ज्वलन्ति तेजसा यस्य तं ज्वलन्तं नमाम्यहम् ॥ ४॥
I do namaskara to the blazing one (ज्वलन्तं), by whose (यस्य) lustre (तेजसा), the luminary planets (ज्योतींषि), the Sun (अर्क), the Moon (इन्दु), the stars (नक्षत्र) and other heavenly bodies (ज्वलनादीनि) one by one (अनुक्रमात्) shine (ज्वलन्ति). 4
सर्वेन्द्रियैरपि विना सर्वं सर्वत्र सर्वदा ।
जानाति यो नमाम्याद्यं तमहं सर्वतोमुखम् ॥ ५॥
I do namaskara (नमामि) to the one who is “faced-all-sides” (सर्वतोमुखम्), who is the prime-most (आद्यं), and who knows (जानाति) everything (सर्वं), everywhere (सर्वत्र), always (सर्वदा), even without (विना) having any (अल्ल्) sense organs (सर्वेन्द्रियैरपि). 5
नरवत्सिंहवच्चैव रूपं यस्य महात्मनः ।
महासटं महादंष्ट्रं तं नृसिंहं नमाम्यहम् ॥ ६॥
I do namaskara (नमाम्यहम्) to that man-lion (नृसिंहं), the great soul (महात्मनः) whose form (रूपं) is like a man (नरवत्) and also a lion (सिंहवच्चैव), who has large matted hair (महासटं) and very big teeth (महादंष्ट्रं). 6
यन्नामस्मरणाद्भीताः भूतवेतालराक्षसाः ।
रोगाद्याश्च प्रणश्यन्ति भीषणं तं नमाम्यहम् ॥ ७॥
I do namaskara (नमाम्यहम्) to the fiersome one (भीषणं), by remembering whose name (यन्-नाम-स्मरणाद्) the surviving undead souls (भूत), evil spirits (वेताल) and demons (राक्षसाः) are afraid (भीताः), and the diseases etc. (रोगाद्याश्च) get destroyed (प्रणश्यन्ति). 7
सर्वोऽपि यं समाश्रित्य सकलं भद्रमश्नुते ।
श्रिया च भद्रया जुष्टो यस्तं भद्रं नमाम्यहम् ॥ ८॥
I do namaskara (नमाम्यहम्) to the protectful one (भद्रं), by seeking refuge of whom (यं समाश्रित्य) everyone (सर्वोऽपि) attains (अश्नुते) all kinds of (सकलं) the auspicious (भद्रम्), who is served (जुष्टो) by the goddess of wealth (श्रिया च – Lakshmi) and goddess of protection (भद्रया). 8
साक्षात्स्वकाले सम्प्राप्तं मृत्युं शत्रुगणानपि ।
भक्तानां नाशयेद्यस्तु मृत्युमृत्युं नमाम्यहम् ॥ ९॥
I do namaskara (नमाम्यहम्) to the death of the death (मृत्युमृत्युं), one who (यस्तु) destroys (नाशयेद्) the death (मृत्युं) that is approaching (सम्प्राप्तं) directly (साक्षात्) at his own apt time (स्वकाले) and the teams of enemies (शत्रुगणानपि) of the devotees (भक्तानां). 9
नमस्कारात्मकं यस्मै विधायात्मनिवेदनम् ।
त्यक्तदुःखोऽखिलान् कामानश्नुते तं नमाम्यहम् ॥ १०॥
I do namaskara (नमाम्यहम्) to the one, to whom (यस्मै) by completely submitting self (विधाय आत्मनिवेदनम्) through the form of doing the namaskara (नमस्कारात्मकं), (ओने) becomes free-of-misery (त्यक्त-दुःखो) and attains (अश्नुते) all (अखिलान्) desires (कामान्). 10
दासभूताः स्वतः सर्वे ह्यात्मानः परमात्मनः ।
अतोऽहमपि ते दास इति मत्वा नमाम्यहम् ॥ ११॥
All the souls (people, सर्वे ह्यात्मानः) are like servants (दासभूताः) of the Supreme soul (परमात्मनः). Hence I am also (अतोऽहमपि) your servant (ते दास ( thinking so (इति मत्वा) I do namaskara (नमाम्यहम्). 11
शङ्करेणादरात्प्रोक्तं पदानां तत्त्वमुत्तमम् ।
त्रिसन्ध्यं यः पठेत्तस्य श्रीर्विद्याऽऽयुश्च वर्धते ॥ १२॥
The supreme (उत्तमम्) essense (तत्त्वम्) of the words (पदानां) (इन् थे मन्त्र श्लोक) is told (प्रोक्तं) by Shiva (शण्करेन) with honour (आदरात्). One who reads (यः पठेत्) it all three sandhya times, (त्रिसन्ध्यं) his (तस्य) wealth (श्रीः), knowledge (विद्या) and life span (आयुश्च) get increased (वर्धते). 12
Upagraha: Secondary Planets
त्र्यंशाढय्विश्वभागैश्व चतुर्भे: सहितो रविः ।
घूमो नाम महादोषः सर्वकर्मविनाशकः ॥ ६१ ॥
घूमो मण्डलतः शुद्धो व्यतीपातोऽत्र दोषदः ।
सषड्भोऽत्र व्यतीपातः परिवेषोऽतिदोषकृत् ॥ ६२ ॥
परिवेषश्च्युतश्चक्रादिन्द्रचापस्तु दोषदः ।
वित्र्यंशात्यष्टिभागाढयश्चापः केतुखगोऽशुभः ॥ ६३ ॥
एकराशियुतः केतुः सूर्यतुल्यः प्रजायते ।
अप्रकाशग्रहाश्चैते पापा दोषप्रदाः स्मृताः ॥ ६४ ॥
tryaṁśāḍhyaviśvabhāgaiśca caturbhaiḥ sahito raviḥ .
dhūmo nāma mahādoṣaḥ sarvakarmavināśakaḥ .. 61..
dhūmo maṇḍalataḥ śuddho vyatīpāto’tra doṣadaḥ .
saṣadbho’tra vyatīpātaḥ pariveṣo’tidoṣakṛt .. 62..
pariveṣaścyutaścakrādindracāpastu doṣadaḥ .
vitryaṁśāsyaṣṭibhāgādhyaścāpaḥ ketukhago’śubhaḥ .. 63..
ekarāśiyutaḥ ketuḥ sūryatulyaḥ prajāyate .
aprakāśagrahāścaite pāpā doṣapradāḥ smṛtāḥ .. 64..
Sharma:Non-Luminous Upagrahas: (Sub planets) From the addition of 4 signs 13 degrees and 20 kalas (minutes) to the Sun’s longitude at the moment of birth is obtained the all inauspicious Dhooma. When Dhooma is reduced from 12 signs we arrive at Vyatipata which is also inauspicious. By adding 6 signs to Vyatipata is known the exact position of Parivesha which is extremely inauspicious. And the deduction of Parivesha from 12 signs gives the exact position of Indra chapa. When 16 degrees 40 minutes are added to Indra chapa we arrive at the position of Ketu. And when 1 sign is added to Ketu we arrive at the longitude of the Sun at the time of birth. All these planets are known as planets devoid of splendour, they are malefics and cause affliction.
सूर्येन्दुलग्नगेष्वेषु वंशायुर्ज्ञाननाशनम् ।
इति धूमादिदोषाणं स्थितिः पद्मासनोदिता ॥ ६५ ॥
sūryendulagnageṣveṣu vaṁśāyurjñānanāśanam .
iti dhūmādidoṣāṇāṁ sthitiḥ padmāsanoditā .. 65..
Sharma:Effects of Luminous Upgrahas: If these 5 non-luminous Upgrahas, Dhooma and others combine with the Sun and the Moon or are situated in the Ascendant they destroy respectively the natives dynasty, longevity and wisdom. It is in this way that Lord Brahma, the Lotus born, has stated their position.
रविवारादिशन्यन्तं गुलिकादि निरुप्यते ।
दिवसानष्टधा भक्त्वा वारेशाद् गणेयत् क्रमात् ॥ ६६ ॥
ravivārādiśanyantaṁ gulikādi nirūpyate |
divasānaṣṭadhā bhaktvā vāreśād gaṇeyat kramāt || 3.66||
From the Sun etc up to Saturn is determined the periods of Gulika and others.
The eightfold parts of the day are apportioned in order counted from the day lord.
अष्टमोंऽशो निरीश: स्याच्छन्यंशो गुलिकः स्मृतः ।
रात्रिमप्यष्टधा कृत्वा वारेशात् पञ्चमादितः ॥ ६७ ॥
aṣṭmoṁ’śo nirīśaḥ syācchanyaṁśo gulikaḥsmṛtaḥ |
rātrimapyaṣṭadhā kṛtvā vāreśāt pañcamāditaḥ || 3.67||
The eighth portion is lordless. Saturn’s portion is called as Gulika.
The eightfold parts of the night are calculated beginning from the fifth from day lord.
गणवेदष्टमः खण्डो निष्यतिः परिकीर्तितः ।
शन्यशो गुलिकः प्रोक्तो रव्यंशः कालसंज्ञकः ॥ ६८ ॥
gaṇayedaṣṭamaḥ khaṇḍo niṣyatiḥ parikīrtitaḥ |
śanyaṁśo gulikaḥ prokto ravyaṁśaḥ kālasañjñakaḥ || 3.68||
The eighth division calculated here is also said to have no lord,
Saturn’s portion is called Gulika, the Sun’s portion is known as Kālavela.
भौमाशो मृत्युरादिष्टो गुवंशो यमघण्टकः ।
सोम्यांशोऽर्धप्रहरक: स्वस्वदेशोद्भवः स्फुटः ॥ ६९ ॥
bhaumāṁśo mṛtyurādiṣṭo gurvaṁśo yamaghaṇṭkaḥ |
somyāṁśo’rdhapraharakaḥ svasvadeśodbhavaḥ sphuṭaḥ || 3.69||
Mar’s portion is Mṛtyu, Jupiter’s portion is Yamaghaṇṭaka,
Mercury’s portion is Ardhaprahara. Their degree is calculated from one’s own location (local mean time).
Sharma Translation [66-69]:Calculation of Gulika etc.: From the Sun etc. up to Saturn is determined the periods of Gulika and others. Day duration divided by 8 gives the seven planets commencing from the Varesh (the day on which Gulika and others are to be considered) onwards. The 8th portion is lordless. The portion ruled over by Saturn is termed (called) as Gulika. Similarly, the night duration, when divided by 8 gives the portions of the seven planets commencing with the 5th House from the Varesh (the week day on which gulika etc. are to be considered). Here also the 8th portion is Lordless. and Saturn’s portion is Gulika, Sun’s Kalvela, Mars Mrityu, Jupiter’s Yamaghantaka and Mercury’s Ardhaprahara.
गुलिकेष्टवशाल्लग्नं स्फुटं यत् स्वस्वदेशजम् ।
गुलिकं प्रोच्यते तस्माज्जातकस्य फलं वदेत् ॥ ७० ॥
gulikeṣṭavaśāllagnaṁ sphuṭaṁ yat svasvadeśajam .
gulikaṁ procyate tasmājjātakasya phalaṁ vadet .. 70..
Sharma: Gulika’s position : The degree ascending at the time of Gulika’s portion will be the longitude of Gulika at a given place. From this longitude of Gulika are to be estimated the effects of a particular nativity.
2023 May 14 & 21 (original recordings)
[00:00] Vedic Sun-Dial introduction [08:00] Prahara Sun-Dial; prahara lordships and time [11:36] Two types of prahara (Equal vs. Unequal) [14:20] Ardha-prahara / Vela [17:04] Vāra cakra [17:24] Different systems of Vara cakra lordships [19:30] Kālacakra lordships [22:40] Bṛhat Parāśara Horā Śāstra [BPHS], chapter 3, verse 66 to 69: ardha-prahara lord system for Upagraha calculation [30:24] Concept of the 5 th lord starting the night in Mantreśvara’s Phaladīpikā [31:18] Upagraha names [31:47] Later views on the śūnya time period being governed by Rāhu – Praśna Mārga [36:02] Settings in the software to display Upagraha in the chart [38:48] Different opinions on Gulika calculation [48:25] Concept of Saṃjñā and Chāyā – day birth and night birth [54:00] Upagraha calculation [1:03:46] Other methods of calculation [1:09:44] Upagraha calculation for the Night birth [1:18:15] Points to ponder and summary of Param Guru Ji’s lecture on Upagraha [1:29:53] Gulika in various bhāva[00:00] Student share research on Upagraha [05:30] Graph, Gulika changing houses from Sunrise to Sunset [09:05] Gulika with Jupiter in the 12th [10:38] Praśna about spirits, Gulika as ghost indication [14:08] Charakaraka clarification [16:40] Gulika 12th House, student Example 99% bad dreams [18:50] Gulika and pills [20:38] Chart study, Gulika and cancer [24:00] Student example, Gulika in the 3rd house with 5th Lord [28:00] Reminder Mantras for Protection [29:00] Two factors that alter the calculations of Gulika [30:00] Sunrise calculations [41:00] Question about activation of Gulika [42:00] Calculations graph equinox and solstice [49:00] Which calculations of Gulika do you use [51:25] Details of Gulika in the 10th house [56:00] Student example, chart study [01:07:00] Student chart 12th house Gulika with Jupiter [01:14:21] Chart example: Gulika, Saturn transit and accident [01:20: 21] Heart transplant chart [01:26: 00] Gulika 5th house defying Guru [01:35:00] Chart example rectifying from Gulika in the 3rd to the 4th [01:42:00] Gulika conjunct Ketu clarification [01:44: 00] Lung cancer death chart, saturn transit [01:46:00] Cervical cancer [01:46:50] Prostate cancer and Praśna [01:56:00] A good death as per Vedic tradition vs suicide mental disease [02:00:50] Mantras for protection
2023 May 28 & Jun 4
[00:00] Aprakāśa graha [00:47] Gaṇeśa mantra [01:09] Brhaspati gayatri [02:53] Mrytuñjaya mantra [04:41] Vedic Viṣṇu suktam [05:09] Narsimha devta mantra [05:33] Pañca doṣa [13:55] Dhūma agni doṣa [24:45] Vyatīpāta & pariveṣa doṣa [34:13] Indracāpa & upaketu doṣa [38:00] Calculation test [40:01] Aprakāśa graha definitions [40:18] Tripod life [44:06] factors that affect by aprakāśa graha [45:22] Signification of Shiva’s eyes [47:00] Summary of aprakāśa graha [50:45] Pāpa puruṣa [57:00] Explanation on upgraha and aprakāśa graha [58:22] Pañca aprakāśa graha [01:00:57] Calculation of aprakāśa graha [01:05:18] Effects of aprakāśa graha dhūma [01:08:47] Example chart of Annette Shellenbarger [01:33:00] Example chart of Daniela [01:38:31] Overview [01:38:48] Results of aprakāśa graha [01:41:45] Example chart of Amaya Shiva [01:54:11] Q&A on aprakāśa graha
Opening prayers [00:03:11] Five Śiva mantra [00:05:22] Personal experiences related to aprakāśa graha [00:07:38] First Chart analysis of dhūma related to lightning strike and 10 th house [00:18:08] Question on moon being in natural dhuma house i.e scorpio [00:21:04] Question: Is it worthwhile looking in navāṃśa [00:23:04] Tattva allocation to nakshatra [00:29:05] Sub – tattvas [00:29:19] Pancha Pakshi [00:29:29] Reversal of tattvas according to pakṣa [00:30:27] Pancha Pakshi continued [00:30:39] Example of Śrī Kṛṣṇa [00:32:00]Question: For pancha pakshi we consider janma nakṣatra or lagna nakṣatra [00:33:42] Application of “kālapuruṣa is savya and pāpapuruṣa is apasavya”[00:42:14] Chart analysis of dhūma related to lightning strike and 10 th house continued [00:45:46] Word of
advice [00:51:07] Chart analysis of dhūma related to lightning strike and 10 th house continued [00:55:36] Question: Will aprakāśa graha only exert influence if lord of sun or moon or lagna is effected [00:58:26] Question related to parivartana and nakṣatra lordship of aprakāśa graha [00:59:21] Question on reversal of nakṣatra lordship based on paksa [01:03:42] Second chart analysis for lightning strike [01:13:18] Dannion Brinkley chart analysis for lightning strike [01:22:03] Roy Sullivan chart analysis for lightning strike [01:34:14] Jerry Heard chart analysis for lightning strike [01:37:49] John White chart analysis for lightning strike [01:46:41] Brief summary of upagraha and aprakāśa graha [01:57:21] Talk on upcoming schedule [01:59:24 Word of advice {02:01:32] Basically when the principles of upagraha and aprakāśa graha are used [02:03:25] Closing talk [02:05:26] Question: Why Parāśara put this chapter in the beginning and upagraha relates to future and aprakāśa graha relates to past [02:09:52] Question: Param Guruji explained aprakāśa graha like different temperature of sun [02:12:12] Closing talk [02:12:40]
Dṛṣṭi: Aspect
The planets and signs have a sight or ability to influence/decipher the readings of other bodies (signs/ stars or planets) stationed at certain positions from them. The rules for Graha dṛṣṭi (planetary sight) and Rāśi dṛṣṭi (Sign sight) are as follows: –
- Graha dṛṣṭi (planetary sight) is an expression of desire which is relatively more temporary as compared to Rāśi Dṛṣṭi (Sign sight) is an expression of knowledge.
- All planets excepting Ketu the headless one, have sight.
- All planets aspect the seventh sign from where they are stationed.
- The outer planets Mars, Jupiter and Saturn have special aspects on signs other than the seventh sign. So also, Rāhu has special aspects. Just like an eagle can see everything from a position above, so also the outer planets are at a relative height above the earth (as reckoned from the Sun) and hence acquire this ability of special aspect.
- None of the planets can aspect the 2nd or 12th house from their station, except Rāhu who can see the second house from its station (counted zodiacally or 12th house counted in reverse. They are one and the same.)
- None of the planets can aspect the 6th & 11th houses, as these are places of Danda (punishment) and Hara (removal from this planet)[ref] tanou tana daṇḍa hara (Jaimini sūtra); tanou is 6th house and tanou-tana is 6th from 6th house or 11th house.[/ref] . Planets/ bodies cannot desire punishment and removal from this material universe. The only one who creates this desire of removal from the material world is Ketu and hence it is the Mokṣa Kāraka (giver of emancipation).
- Thus, removing the 2nd & 12th, the 6th & 11th and 1st & 7th signs which have already been explained above, the outer planets have special aspects on the remaining signs (3rd, 4th, 5th, 8th, 9th & 10th)
- Mars aspects the chaturaśra (4th & 8th signs).
- Jupiter and Rāhu aspect the prārabdha/ pūrva puṇya (good or evil done in the past birth as indicated by the 5th and 9th houses). While Jupiter indicates the puṇya (net good karma from past life), Rāhu indicates the pāpa (net bad karma from past life).
- Saturn aspects the upachaya[ref] Although there are four Upachaya houses 3rd, 6th, 10th & 11th, the 6th & 11th have been excluded as explained.[/ref] (houses of growth 3rd & 10th) and indicates the resources that would be depleted in fulfilling personal desires or weaknesses (called ṣaḍripu[ref] Ṣaḍripu: The six weaknesses which are different from the pañca makara (five “M’s”)[/ref] .
- Rāśi dṛṣṭi is a permanent feature of the signs and they are like buildings in the skies, facing each other.
- The movable signs aspect all fixed signs except the one juxtapose.
- The fixed signs aspect all movable signs except the one juxtapose.
- The dual signs aspect each other.
- Every sign that is aspected by another also aspects it. Thus if Taurus aspects Libra, then Libra also aspects Taurus.
- Planets placed in signs also aspect other planets and signs on the basis of Rāśi dṛṣṭi. However, this shows having knowledge of each other and/or involvement in similar activities.
2023 Jun 18 & 25
[0:00:00] Recap of Paramguruji’s teachings on Dṛṣṭi and focus for the week [0:05:35] Review of the five śaktis [0:09:34] Talk about icchā and desire [0:13:05] Summary of the Graha Dṛṣṭi aspects for each planet [0:15:46] Brief mention of the 2nd special aspect of Rāhu [0:18:40] Review of planetary order [0:22:55] Planetary speed and why Jyotish doesn’t use Uranus, Neptune and Pluto [0:24:57] Interior vs exterior planet aspects [0:26:34] Review of Bhava Kārakas [0:33:20] Using Ketu aspect in a praśna about theft [0:34:07] Examining aspects in Sri Kṛṣṇa’s chart [0:38:24] Review of significations (Kāraka) for Graha dṛṣṭi [0:50:30] Distinction when a planet is also in the aspected house [0:55:35] Moon vs Sun in Graha Dṛṣṭi [1:02:01] Parāśara verse demonstrating how Graha Dṛṣṭi malefic and benefic aspects can alter Rāhu Sun combination in the Navāṃśa [1:08:41] Where Parāśara gives the rules in verses [1:11:31] Introducing the book Jātaka Bharnam: Verses about aspects of planets [1:21:10] Analyzing the impact of aspects [1:30:45] Jātaka Bharnam verses [1:39:41] Homework
[0:00] Review of icchā and maturing process [2:09] Concept of icchā [5:35] How to use dṛṣṭi [7:19] Prosperity and struggle of a house (Bhāva viveka adhyāya) [16:37] Graha dṛṣṭi and daśā [19:56] Destruction of lord [28:18] Aspect, debilitation and exaltation [29:39] Indira Gandhi chart [44:15] Discussion on homework [49:12] Johnny Depp chart, retrograde does not have impact on dṛṣṭi [1:04:30] Aspecting own house, icchā supported [1:10:24] Zen decoration [1:17:16] Aspect of divisional chart [1:18”25] Chart by Kanika analysis [1:36:13] Summary analysing the impact of Aspects.
2023 Jul 2
[0:00] Review of previous teachings on aspecting planet [2:40] Intro to today’s topic/importance of reading texts to be Jyotiṣa Paṇḍita [7:35] HW Chart Example and steps to analyze [12:41] Lady Diana’s chart [18:46] Question about delineating specific interpretations [23:00] Effects of two planets aspecting each other [30:30] Further question on interpretation [32:28] Clarification on daśā results [35:10] Saṃyoga functioning clarification/ more emphasis on aspects not being influenced by aspecting planet’s status [43:40] Chart analysis example [51:15] Homework assignment for Dṛṣṭi breakdown [55;00] Analysis of various Jyotiṣa texts views on aspects [1:17:30] BPHS discussion of pāda aspects [1:23:07] Sphuṭa Dṛṣṭi calculations overview [1:39:17] Sphuṭa Dṛṣṭi example chart [1:46:52] Review of Lecture [1:51:55] Questions & Clarifications
2023 Jul 9
[00:01] Rāśi dṛṣṭi is not Jaimini aspect [08:00] Jaimini upadeśa [10:50] Rāśi-dṛṣṭi-kathana [21:17]Rāśi-dṛṣṭi resource [24:13] Aspect explanation [34:10] Saṁmukha rāśi [45:35] Saṁmukha rāśi use [48:10] Abhimukha rāśi [52:55] Abhimukha rāśi 8th, 6th, 7th [56:22] Dṛṣṭi scheme [01:03:47] Quick summary [01:05:17] Roosevelt and Ho. Chi Minh example [01:17:55] Side dṛṣṭi [01:21:00] Pārśva [01:30:00] Param guruji chart [01:31:30] Jaimini upadeśa continued [01:35:00] Rāśi-dṛṣṭi-kathana continued [01:36:58] ślokas (6-9) [01:39:50] Dṛṣṭi chakra [01:47:25] Homework-11th from AL [01:51:53] Q&A2023 Jul 16
[0:00] Opening Mantras [3:50] Definition of Driṣṭi [8:10] Rāśi vs Graha Driṣṭi [15:35] Kim Kardashian’s Chart -> Rāśi Driṣṭi on 11th from AL [21:00] Analysis of 11th from AL in Kim’s Chart [32:00] Clarification on Rāśi Driṣṭi of empty rāśi vs rāśi with graha [35:00] importance of rāśi driṣṭi when analyzing ārūḍha’s [38:25] recap of Rāśi Driṣṭi [43:40] Kim’s AL Rāśi aspects cont. [48:00] alternative ways to memorize rāśi aspects [54:45] 11th from AL -> type of people or organizations we derive our wealth from [01:00:10] Aspect of Jupiter, Mercury & Own Lord of a sign
[00:00] Intro into today’s topic [2:47] Acchādana definition [3:24] Root word chad [5:36]Brush Up On the Vedic Astrology Basics book [7:20] Zoran referenced Achadana Drsti in Volume 1 [8:20] Back to presentation [9:07] Graha affecting lagna [9:27] Acchādana principle [9:35] 5 th house from Venus example [9:50] Grahas as divine forces [10:46] Graha lagna [11:09] Venus and fertility example [11:42] Acchādana Drsti of Planets [12:19] Gati [13:09] Vāha / Path [14:07] Application to time events in the Vimsottari Daśā [14:36] Sūrya Vāha [15:52] Venus is about romantic attachment & 7 th from Venus can bring heartache [16:22] Sūrya Vāha sample charts on marriage [17:57] Dual lords Sūrya Acchādana example [19:00] Important point is looking 7 th house from Sun and influence of that sign [19:22] Aspects by rāśi drsti that antardaśa can trigger even [19:36] Acchādana Parivartana 7 th from Surya example [21:36] AK Acchādana [24:55]Chart example reviewing marriages and acchādana [35:11] explanation on kara and grahas [37:15]explanation of heaven & earth, male/female, meeting at the horizons [38:48]Question regarding 8 type of marriages short discussion [41:43] Question on timing when marriages will happen, also how 7H and planet in the 7H will affect marriage [45:08] Listen to Pt Sanjay ji’s recordings and will review questions regarding Venus and timing of children next class.
Bhāva: Houses
Rashi and Bhava Introduction with Paramguruji
[00:00] Guru mantra [01:42] Rule of Śaṅkarācārya – offer last mantra to Śivā [02:20] Rāśi bhāva introduction – concept of rāśi [09:05] Rāśi bhāva introduction – concept of bhāva [11:38] Bhāva Āditya [15:20] Soma-Sūrya-Agni maṇḍala [18:24] Lagna, Candra lagna and Sūrya lagna [19:03] 5 types of grahas: bāla graha, upgraha, aprakāśa graha, navagraha, mahā graha [22:20] Creation of rāśi – Sun-God ‘Sūrya’ created rāśi using 16 vowels [30:00] Root Bīja of names [31:52] Gaṇeśa amṛta mantra [34:40] Use of sounds to address diseases/issues [36:26] Mahāvākya ahaṁ brahmāsmi [39:29] Sanskrit name to understand the lagna – tejas chaṇḍa; lagna is pure tejas [42:34] Meeting of sky father (dyos) and earth mother (bhū devī); dyos śānti pāṭha [45:10] Lagna created by dhātṛ (dhātā) and destiny factor by vidhātṛ (vidhātā) [50:15] Ownership of signs – ṣaḍchakra savya and apasavya [57:32] Student’s question – Is this concept connected with uttarāyaṇa and dakṣiṇāyana [1:01:50] Indra bīja [1:03:08] Rāśi Bhāva Āditya [1:10:25] Rāśi in fingers [1:10:50] Jñāna mudrā and its importance [1:14:05] Mantra bhava [1:15:50] Use of fingers to resolve bhāva related issues [1:22:04] Rāśi friendships2023 Jul 23
[00:00] Aprakāśa graha [00:47] Gaṇeśa mantra [01:09] Brhaspati gayatri [02:53] Mrytuñjaya mantra [04:41] Vedic Viṣṇu suktam [05:09] Narsimha devta mantra [05:33] Pañca doṣa [13:55] Dhūma agni doṣa [24:45] Vyatīpāta & pariveṣa doṣa [34:13] Indracāpa & upaketu doṣa [38:00] Calculation test [40:01] Aprakāśa graha definitions [40:18] Tripod life [44:06] factors that affect by aprakāśa graha [45:22] Signification of Shiva’s eyes [47:00] Summary of aprakāśa graha [50:45] Pāpa puruṣa [57:00] Explanation on upgraha and aprakāśa graha [58:22] Pañca aprakāśa graha [01:00:57] Calculation of aprakāśa graha [01:05:18] Effects of aprakāśa graha dhūma [01:08:47] Example chart of Annette Shellenbarger [01:33:00] Example chart of Daniela [01:38:31] Overview [01:38:48] Results of aprakāśa graha [01:41:45] Example chart of Amaya Shiva [01:54:11] Q&A on aprakāśa graha2023 Jul 30
[00:00:40] Bhāva groups – Recap [00:10:42] Lakshmi/Vishnu/Shiva relationship in the context of Bhāva [00:18:10] “The crux of vedic astrology” high level overview on how to analyze a bhāva [00:23:34] Bhāva Saukhya [00:35:34] Bhāva Naṣṭa ( destruction of bhāva’s fruits ) [01:01:42] Comparison/Summary of Bhāva Saukhyam and Bhāva Naṣṭam [01:11:39] Summary of graha avasthā [01:15:18] Bhāva chakra [01:20:35] Analysis of Abraham Lincoln’s chart [01:38:56] Chart analysis/ walkthrough ( chart provided by student ) [01:54:26] Chart analysis/walkthrough ( chart provided by student )
2023 Aug 6 & 13
Examining the placement of the lord of the first house in different houses and principles connected with such placement of bhava lords.
[00:00] Bhaveśa introduction [12:22] House lord [15:11] Lagna (kāraka sun) [23:26] Pākalagna [29:21] Pākeśā and relation with moon [36:19] Bhaveśa phal ādhyai [39:13] Lagneśa in lagna [48:40] Significance of lagna lord in various signs [01:10:30] Benefic planets as lagna lord [01:12:35] Lagneśa in 1 st house [01:24:48] Lagneśa in 2nd house [01:29:42] Lagneśa in 3rd house [01:32:47] Lagneśa in 4th house [01:34:30] Lagneśa in 5th house [01:41:12] Lagneśa in 6th house [01:43:47] Lagneśa in 7 th house [01:45:58] Lagneśa in 8th house [01:53:02] Lagneśa in 9th house [01:54:32] Lagneśa in 10th house [01:55:22] Lagneśa in 11th house [01:58:02] Lagneśa in 12th house [02:00:34] Evaluation of lagna and interpretation with kalpuruṣa2023 Aug 20
2023 Aug 27
[0:00] Comments on pedagogy and role of student to digest knowledge [13:49] check-in with students and various questions (lots of internet problems here) [29:33] Start of 3rd house material and core meanings [45:00] distinction on saumya and krura graha [54:00] Houses from 3L chart [59:00] 3L placement from COVA [1:06:21] 3L in 1H [1:11:00} 3L in 2H [1:15:55] 3L in 3H [1:19:25] 3L in 4H [1:21:14] 3L in 5H [1:25:15] 3L in 6 & 7H [1:35:18] 3L in 8H [1:38:50] 3l in 9H [1:42:47] 3L in 10H [1:45:49] 3L in 11H [1:48:15} 3L in 12H [1:51:00] Example and closing2023 Sep 3
2023 Sep 10
2023 Sep 17
2023 Sep 24
2023 Oct 1
2023 Oct 8
[00:00] Dharma House Introduction [03:57] Dharma Bhava: COVA 12.1 [06:33] Karakatwas [08:50] Grahas in the 9th House (from COVA 12.8) [10:51] Dharma Grahas [15:49] Bhagyesa Phala Ninth Lord Placement: BPHS 24/26 [occasionally some little issues with smooth voice flowing and connection] [16:17] Bhavas from Dharmesa: scheme [occasionally some little issues with smooth voice flowing and connection] [19:38] Look at 9L as Jupiter and its aspects [19:50] 9H from 9L – maximum blessings are there [20:44] 5H from 9L – Dharma bhakti [21:21] Scheme: Bhakti (5H from 9L) [occasionally some little issues with smooth voice flowing and connection; up to 22:12] [23:15] 7H from 9L – Kama drsti, weak point [occasionally some issues with smooth voice flowing and connection; back online 25:10] [25:10] 3H and 10H Shani drsti: Surya Dharma can fall there [26:20] 4H and 8H Mangal drsti: sensitive for Moon (social life, family); can be fall there [27:27] 2H from 9L – expand, will prosper (like Jupiter) [27:58] 6H from 9L – enemy of Dharma; where things need to be controlled [28:40] Eric ji restarts his computer (up to 32:00); no screen sharing for a short time; download PDF for your guidance. [33:20] 9L in 1H [39:56] 9L in 2H [47:47] 9L in 3H [51:14] 9L in 4H [56:09] 9L in 5H [01:02:15] 9L in 6H [01:09:26] 9L in 7H [01:12:15] 9L in 8H [01:14:03] 9L in 9H [01:15:43] 9L in 10H [01:17:16] 9L in 11H [01:19:54] 9L in 12H [01:25:48] Conclusions. Advice of to go through Sanjay Rath Ji (9L recording) charts-examples.2023 Oct 15
[00:00] Free speech, mentioning progress in learning, intention and goal of PJC-1 [03:13] Bhaveśa introduction (Karmesha) [04:22] Karmabhavaphaladhyayah- Home of Work: Freedom Ji table presentation (numbers in the columns are the verse numbers, Chapter 10 of BPHS) [05:40] 10L with strength, meaning (verse 2) [08:06] 10L weak & Rahu is in kendra or kona (verse 3); consider strength of Rahu, and Lord [10:24] 10L benefic with a benefic; good relationships with authority; 10L Sun, Throne, Government (verse 4) [13:27] 10H and 11H with malefics (verse 5); power misuse and making money in bad way. Mentioning of Argala. [19:06] 10L in 8H, Dushtana, with Rahu; prejudiced, gains through bad actions (verse 6) [21:13] 10L is in 7H with malefics, Sat and Mars &7L (verse 7) [22:50] Whenever 10L goes, success is in here, but depends on nature of grahas in conjunction [23:49] verse 8, but interrupted with Q&A (chart) [25:36] 10L is ucca & conj Jup & 9L in 10H (verse 8); related to respect and power [29:50] 10L ucca but with malefic: high position, but may not be with respect [31:00] 11L in 10H & 10L in Lagna or both in kendra (verse 9) [32:39] Sun conj Rahu, Mars, Sat in 11H (verse 11); Sun as karaka here. Failure to perform duties. [40:51] 10L ucca in kendra or kona, asp or conj Jupiter (verse 14; relates to verse 11) [41:42] Strong 10L in Pisces with Jupiter (verse 10) [42:27] some Q&A [45:31] coming back to verses [47:18] 10L in Lagna with Lagnesha & Moon in kendra/kona (verse 15) [49:01] Planets in 10H [52:01] (verse 12) Jupiter and Venus in Pisces, strong Asc lord and ucca Moon. Debates Pisces(Meena) vs Mana (Mana – 10H name). [53:15] Venus in 10H – possessor of precious stones (verse 13) [54:40] Planets in 10H table: how we do work & nature of the place of work [01:06:52] Freedom Ji notes about 10H (Mercury, Throne, Crown, Argala) [01:09:56] 4th from 10L where job comes from; and 4th from Sun (showing resources) [01:12:02] 5th from 10L who ears from the fruits of your work, what’s eating the money [01:14:15] 7th from 10L desire that motivates you to work [01:14:33] 8th from 10L desire for changing jobs [01:18:21] 9th from 10L what you are serving, how to you make money [01:18:25] 10th from 10L physical work and organisational changes [01:18:33] 11th from 10L what make you change your career; what are you trying to achieve [01:20:06] 2 important karakas of work there for 10: Sun and Mercury. Sun and Mer together, Mer 2d from Sun, Mer 12 from Sun (do your research on meaning of such connections) [01:25:25] Freedom Ji recommends an amazing article in his blog : ‘Factors for Career Advising’ [01:31:27] Verses (start) [01:31:51] 10L in 1H [01:34:23] 10L in 2H [01:36:21] 10L in 3H [01:37:51] 10L in 4H [01:42:04] 10L in 5H [01:44:16] 10L in 6H [01:46:09] 10L in 7H [01:47:43] 10L in 8H [01:49:49] 10L in 9H [01:51:03] 10L in 10H [01:51:35] 10L in 11H [01:52:30] 10L in 12H [01:53:14] 10L in houses & Lords of different houses in 10th: table from ‘Science of Light’, Freedom Ji. Finishing the verses, interpretations. [02:04:17] Analysing the chart of Sam Bankman-Fried (SBF) [02:08:10] Analysing the chart of Donald Trump [02:15:05] Analysing the chart of Jayalalitha [02:21:02] Analysing the chart (father of the PJC student) [02:26:46] Analysing the chart (pjc student’s friend) [02:29:35] Finishing.
2023 Oct 22
2023 Oct 29
[00:00] Bhaveśa introduction [03:31] 12H primary significations; COVA summarized [04:38] Fundamental karakas (Shani, Ketu, Venus [05:50] Vyaya Bhava; house of meditation, losses, expenses [07:55] Jupiter – natural lord of Pisces [08:15-up to 10:25] no presence of Eric ji; internet connection was lost [14:14] 12th from Moon [14:20] 12th from Venus [14:27] Ketu, meditation [14:29] Jupiter, donation [15:53] 12H signified by Feet (body) [16:19] 12H – hidden enemies; 6th house – open enemies [17:27] 12H, connection to left eye and expenses [18:29] Place of Rishis; family Gotra [20:01] Connection between 12th from Jupiter and 12th from Lagna: powerful sambandha with specific Rishi [20:32] 9th from 12H which is 8H: Dharma of Rishi to clear our debts [20:52] 10th from 12H which is 9H: Karma of Rishi [23:08] ‘Vya Yam’, Water + Vayu bija [24:06] Mention about dynamic between Shiva (9H) and Vishnu (12H) [24:53] Grahas in 12H (briefly); benefits in 12H – shubha influence on lagna,malefics – ashubha [26:20] Sleep, insomnia (if affliction of 12H), body rejuvenation, how we heal and recharge [28:50] Vyaya Bhava Phala Adhyayah (slokas and comparison table)[30:45] Internal and external karakatwas; when Graha is in its own sign or in Exaltation – inner quality, significations will be manifested, if different kinds of sign – more outer karakatwas of Bhava are manifested [32:32] 12H when giving auspicious things: expenses are for doing good things [33:05] Moon as 12L and its auspicious placement [34:52] some Q&A [36:30] Vyayesha Moon and its inauspicious placement (exception: weak Moon but in kendra or trikona) [37:20] 12th house from any other bhava [37:30] some Q&A [40:28] aspect of hell, moksha, going abroad; occupation of 12H by Saturn etc. and Mars [40:38] Lagnesha is in 12H [43:13] Table with slokas [43:18] Bhavas from Vyayesa scheme; whenever 12L goes, loss will be connected to this things Unless Jupiter protects [45:45] 12L is in Bhava that Jupiter is Karaka of (2,5,9, and 11) [46:56] Primary Karaka is Shani; drshti placements are 3 and 10 houses. 3d and 10th placements from 12L are not inauspicious (bring destruction to these places) [47:30] Eric ji disappeared (loss of internet connection) [48:24] 4H from anything – what is inside the heart. 4th from 12H is 3H: animosity which is coming from 12th; what is triggering the loss. Remedy is: freeze it to protect [50:08] 5H, Jupiter as natural karaka os Pisces; 5th positive aspect. Mantra, prayers connected to 12L[51:34] 7H, kamadrsti. Collapses, expenses made to encourage 6H, shadripu enters here. Here you will be tested. [52:50] Vyayesha in 1st house [01:05:05] Vyayesha in 2d house [01:06:45] Vyayesha in 3d house [01:10:42] Vyayesha in 4th house [01:12:06] Vyayesha in 5th house [01:17:50] Vyayesha in 6th house [01:22:03] Vyayesha in 7th house [01:25:13] Vyayesha in 8th house [01:36:33] Vyayesha in 9th house [01:46:36] Vyayesha in 10th house [01:48:03] Vyayesha in 11th house [01:51:00] Vyayesha in 12th house [01:53:00] Closing, and Q&A [01:59:15] Eric ji reviews a few more slokas (Conclusion).2023 Contact Class
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Sutika Examples
Arishta Examples
Bhava Chalita
Vishesha Lagnas